Virtual machine in laboratory rooms

Languages: plpolski


Creating a virtual machine for students on computers in labs

1. Software

  • The machine must be created in VMware Workstation 16 Player or higher.

2. Install VMware Workstation 17 Player

3. Create a machine

3.1 Select the option to create a new machine

3.2 Choose the .iso file of your chosen system

3.3 Choose the option to store the virtual disk in a single file

3.4 Follow the system installer

4. Export machine

4.1 After configuring the environment, turn off the machine

4.2 Go to settings to locate where the machine files are

4.3 Compress the entire machine folder into a .zip file

5. Delivery

  • If you need to deliver the packed machine to us, we suggest the school’s OneDrive (where each user has 1TB of space) or physically bring it to room B204 on a disk/pendrive.
  • If the default account is password-protected, we require the password during delivery.
  • Then, please inform us in which rooms the machine should be placed.
  • From the moment we receive the virtual machine, we need approximately 2 working weeks to redistribute it in the laboratory rooms.




Languages: plpolski