Connecting to Microsoft SQL Server on macOS via Azure Data Studio

Languages: plpolski

WARNING! To connect to the database, you must be connected to the PJATK VPN

To connect to the db-mssql database on macOS, use the Azure Data Studio tool

and follow these steps:

1. Launch the Ticket Viewer program (cmd+space, type “Ticket Viewer”)

2. Click the Add Identity button, then enter your login credentials in the form of and your university password

3. Check the Remember password in my keychain button
4. Then launch the previously installed Azure Data Studio program

5. Click the Create a connection button

6. In the connection parameters window, select:
– Connection type: Microsoft SQL Server
– Server:
– Authentication type: Windows Authentication
– Database: Leave default <Default>
– Encrypt: Mandatory
– Trust server certificate: True
– Server group: Leave default <Default>
– Name (optional): empty
7. Click Connect
8. We are now connected to MSSQL 🙂

Languages: plpolski